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Education and training overview

The information you need to provide if you are in education or training

For Universal Credit you must give information about any education or training that you and/or your partner are receiving, for example:

  • the type of education or training you receive
  • the number of hours you attend
  • how long the course will last

This information may be found on letters or any other documents from your education or training provider. If you don't have these, contact your education or training provider.

Full-time education

For Universal Credit full-time education courses include:

  • advanced education
  • non-advanced education of more than 12 hours a week
  • any other course at an education establishment for which a loan, grant or bursary is provided, or would be available if you applied for it

If you are in full-time education you won't normally get Universal Credit unless certain conditions are met. For more information see Full-time education rules.

Part-time education

You may get Universal Credit if you are in part-time education.

If the course was arranged with your Adviser, your Claimant Commitment will be changed to reflect all the hours you spend studying. You will be expected to spend the remaining hours of the week in other work-search activities.

If you are in the all work-related requirements group and the course was not arranged with your Adviser, you must be prepared to give up your course if you are offered suitable work. Your Claimant Commitment will take account of your other circumstances, for example if you have a health condition or caring responsibilities.

16-19 year olds in education or training

You won't normally get Universal Credit if you are a qualifying young person in full time non-advanced education or on approved training. For more information see 16-19 year olds in education or training.

Adult training

If you and/or your partner are on an adult training course you may get Universal Credit if you are available for work. For more information see Training courses.

Work Programme

Any education or training that is arranged through the Work Programme will not affect your Universal Credit.

Student income and training allowances

If you and/or your partner get student income or a training allowance, some or all of this may be taken into account when working out your Universal Credit.

For more information see student income and Non-work income.

What you should do if there are changes to your education and student income

You and/or your partner must report all changes to your education and student income by contacting Universal Credit, for example:

  • leaving your course before it has ended
  • extending your course
  • changing your course
  • increasing or reducing your hours of attendance
  • you no longer get a student income
  • you are getting a new student income
  • any changes to the student income you get

This is not a complete list.

It is important to report all changes as soon as they happen as they may affect the amount of Universal Credit you get. It may also mean you have to accept a new Claimant Commitment.

Why is it asked?

Being in education or training will affect whether or not you can get Universal Credit.
