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Disabled Facilities Grant

What is it?

If you live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, a Disabled Facilities Grant is a grant from your local authority to help towards the cost of adapting your home to enable you to continue to live there if you (or someone you live with) are disabled. You can own the home or rent it from a landlord.

In Scotland you may be able to get other support for equipment and adaptations.

Some examples of work you could carry out using the Disabled Facilities Grant include providing additional bathroom or kitchen facilities, or providing easier access to rooms around your home.

You should apply for the grant before you start any work on your home.

Can I get it?

Assistance is provided at the discretion of your local authority. Your home will be assessed by an occupational therapist to see what you might need. Depending on your income, you may need to pay towards the cost of the work to the property.

How much is it?

How much you get depends on your household income and whether you have any savings over £6,000.

The maximum amount varies depending on where you live. In Wales you can get up to £36,000. In England you can get up to £30,000. In Northern Ireland you can get up to £25,000, increasing to £35,000 from 1 February 2023.

How do I claim?

The process for applying for the Disabled Facilities Grant is usually started by your GP or social worker. However, you can find out more by contacting your local authority. They need to decide that the work is necessary and appropriate to meet your needs, is reasonable and can be done depending on the age and condition of the property.

Will it affect my other benefits?

No, the Disabled Facilities Grant doesn't affect any benefits you're getting.
